Tuesday, February 3, 2015

PLR| 2PLR child ebooks BBRProduct, Discipline Dynamics Product with bonus 64 articles about child for 5$

Discipline Dynamics Product PLR Ebook


Chapter 1: Discipline Basics
Chapter 2: Consider Where Your Child Struggles
Chapter 3: Use Age Appropriate Consequences
Chapter 4: Be Clear About Expectations And Consequences
Chapter 5: One Firm Warning Is Enough
Chapter 6: Don’t Give In And Be Consistent
Chapter 7: The Consequences Of Incorrect Discipline
Wrapping Up

BBR Product PLR Ebook


1. Enchanted Learning Experiences – Why They Should Be The Norm For Our Children.
2. Creative Imagination – the Brain’s Most Powerful Ability.
3. Pre-School Brain Growth And Development – Is It The Answer To School Failure, Aggression And Violence?
4. Pre-School Teacher – Could That Be You?
5. Your Amazing Child
6. Sensory Pathways
7. Birth To 1½ Months
8. The Hidden Growth - 1½ to 3½ Months
9. To Be! - 3½ To 5½ Months
10. The Subject Most Likely To Cause Your Child To Fail

 with bonus 64 articles about child
15 article about Child Care
25 article about children health issues
24 article about Child Protection

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